Guess what is this?? You must be thinking - PAD with wings, super absorbent (that's what it reads on the packaging).

Answer : It's marshmallow -.- pink for strawberry and purple for grape. My bro's friend bought them from taiwan to tease him.hahah it's cute! but tastes like crap probably cos of it's pad-like packaging. Anyone who wants to try let me know haha.

Went v-day shopping with ade and ended up spending so much just on food myself -_- cute japanese tidbits attract me felt like buying the entire shelf. and the baby star crispy noodle snack at the bottom is VERY yummy :D and act-cute pic in the middle is proof to eileen ee that im using her lip gloss haha ( :
Hell week is almost over!! 2 presentations down and just another assignment to go. Looking forward to the weekendddd.
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