it's been a whileee cos my very-busy week was a week ago.anyways we had s77 class gathering at hogs breath vivo city on friday! haha turnout was beyond my expectations. the food was GOOD (and expensive). some pictures.

L to R: georgie bird me may sally meigee & esther ( :
majority of the class.nice seeing all though i didnt even talk to some haha.
After dinner, few of us went to brewerkz at clarke quay for drinks. That's the Golden Ale Tower we ordered looks huge but the guys finished it so quickly -.- And im THE best at hei-bai-pei la unbeatable :D
the next day was calvin's belated birthday party at a cafe in chinatown quite a nice place though there were only 3 of us from tennis ( :
2 movies in a week! ps i love you and jumper.preferred jumper 10times more cause ps was jus below my expectations.but there was jeffrey dean morgan from grey's in it! he's already 41 years old and still so charming.

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