Anyway, presenting my favourite dessert/snack - glutinous rice balls with red bean filling (: And they look like fishballs here.
Friday, February 29, 2008
the leap year
Anyway, presenting my favourite dessert/snack - glutinous rice balls with red bean filling (: And they look like fishballs here.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Loving this song
Saturday, February 23, 2008
majority of the class.nice seeing all though i didnt even talk to some haha.
After dinner, few of us went to brewerkz at clarke quay for drinks. That's the Golden Ale Tower we ordered looks huge but the guys finished it so quickly -.- And im THE best at hei-bai-pei la unbeatable :D
the next day was calvin's belated birthday party at a cafe in chinatown quite a nice place though there were only 3 of us from tennis ( :
2 movies in a week! ps i love you and jumper.preferred jumper 10times more cause ps was jus below my expectations.but there was jeffrey dean morgan from grey's in it! he's already 41 years old and still so charming.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Answer : It's marshmallow -.- pink for strawberry and purple for grape. My bro's friend bought them from taiwan to tease him.hahah it's cute! but tastes like crap probably cos of it's pad-like packaging. Anyone who wants to try let me know haha.

Went v-day shopping with ade and ended up spending so much just on food myself -_- cute japanese tidbits attract me felt like buying the entire shelf. and the baby star crispy noodle snack at the bottom is VERY yummy :D and act-cute pic in the middle is proof to eileen ee that im using her lip gloss haha ( :
Hell week is almost over!! 2 presentations down and just another assignment to go. Looking forward to the weekendddd.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
cny 08
These were taken on day 1. Notice we don't have a decent family photo cos yati was helping out at my grandma's place and there was noone to take it for us -.-
One of my fave parts of cny - babies!! They are such a joy IF they are constantly smiley and cute. haha the one above is my neighbour's daughter and the one below my cousin's. yuhan is a phedophile! hahaha
I lost money to yuhan and my mum in mahjong yesterday. Rabbits really can't gamble this year, it's true!
And i hate to remind myself cny's over it's back to school plus i've a presentation tmr and another on weds. I HATE SCHOOL.
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
soulmate gave me hair mask and hair serum which are vv effective! i tried the hair mask this morning (:
pretty bag from jwest from bsl peeps!

From eileen! i've a spanking new Chanel lip gloss to make my fat lips slightly more attractive.haha.
I've company and his name is DJOKOVIC! it even has a birth certificate born on 5th feb too. wheee i love yuhan and deborah haha so cute right! probably the only soft toy i adore :D Gifts from chris ho and cuilian. Haha a lovely f21 top and 2 necklaces from there too. [chris ho chose the necklaces.erhem nudbad got improvement]
Joe gave me mint chocs. thanks grandpa joe! it's almost half gone now (:
Lastly, yuqing gave me this Chanel fluid eyeshadow in sand! which i requested for la.thanks dude!