shenzhen-ed again on monday, this time to their amusement park at the 'world's window' (direct translation). we reached there at 10am to find out most of the rides open only after 12 -.-
haha fake eiffel tower
Happy Valley Theme Park

Sheryl: "must shoot everything down to get my flower power cushion!"
And..she got it! haha with the help of the guys.
The queues were crazy had to wait for almost 1hr per ride just for that few mins.

Before the boring rotating raft ride.
Next was the water slide or whatever u call it where u go up in a boat. We took it twice since the queue was moving rather fast.

We got so drenched cos the guys behind us pulled off our hoods the second before the boat fell :/
Then it was scary roller coaster ride which xy, irene and i totally couldnt force ourselves up there.

Before the boring rotating raft ride.

We got so drenched cos the guys behind us pulled off our hoods the second before the boat fell :/

This game was quite fun! you have to push the lever up and down for your rescue vehicle to move forward to the wrecked airplane and then u push the lever there again to spray water at red dots. Once the red dots are 'extinguished', you go back to the vehicle and go back to the starting point.hahahha so exciting.

Waterbomb game with super enthu commentator.

Forest adventure: 2 stations and we surrendered.
voted nice pic of the day
then we RUSHED to dongmen again for dinner and more shopping before we bidded farewell to shenzhen. It was also the first time in my life i did shopping at lightning speed. An illustration will be me not properly dressed rushing out of the changing room and putting on my belt while walking to the next shop. And i bought yuhan a pair of onitsuka tiger shoes in less than 3mins, so proud of myself haha. and they're damn nice looks exactly like the real thing.
this is irene displaying her proud purchases from our shopping frenzy.
Byeee shenzhen, i'm gonna miss u so bad!

Waterbomb game with super enthu commentator.

Forest adventure: 2 stations and we surrendered.
voted nice pic of the day
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