Monday, May 19, 2008

i think i'm going on a mini hiatus till i fly for hk. basically it's me and my boring life now. work, home, sleep, lots of tv and youtubing and the cycle repeats. haha i'm such a's VESAK DAY today can u sense my excitement haha but no work = no $$

anyway we've booked our air tickets to hk - 25june to 7august. looking back at the taiwan pics, i really miss the week there! hopefully hk will be twice as fun :D

i was talking to ade just now and she said the weather over at US is freezing! and then i wondered how nice if we can have the four seasons over here it's so much more exciting to dress up!i'm loving the white blazerrr AHH.

edit: i just packed a whole stack of clothes i dont wear anymore and i'm donating them to the myanmar victims ! ( :

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