Caught Disturbia with Georgie yesterday afternoon. I would say the climax was really exciting which explained all the whinings in the cinema. Haha and left me wondering what if something similar happened to my ever-so-peaceful neighbourhood. That'll spice things up a little.
Simpsons with Yufan at night. Yes, what extremes right. Haha it was HILARIOUS, leaving the damn spiderpig song in my head the rest of the night. And Yufan actually commented my family resembled The Simpsons -.- Then at least I'm the slightly-more-normal Lisa. 85 BCM and haojian after - craving satisfied!
The Macaroons I ordered from Frangi's 'future sis-in-law' arrived today. Pretty packaging! So i heard it's a real skill baking them. Very nice French dessert indeed, especially if you've a sweet tooth. I ordered 3 flavours - choc with almond, green tea with red bean and caramel. Thought the green tea one was rather unique (:

The choc & almond ones
Green tea. Check out her blog on the pics if you're interested (: